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Most Expensive Green Tea

Some of the health benefits commonly attributed to green tea are reduced cancer risk, improve impaired immune function, mitigate cholesterol levels, help infection, rheumatoid arthritis and reduce cardiovascular related illness. The health benefits, though in most cases unproven, have boosts its appeal on the commonly black tea drinking Western Hemisphere. The most expensive green tea can still be found in the Land of the Rising Sun, Japan.

Perhaps what makes green tea special is its richness in catechin polyphenols, especially epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG. EGCG is well known as a strong anti-oxidant, it inhibits cancer cell growth and terminates cancer cell without affecting healthy tissues. The EGCG has also been known for reducing LDL cholesterol levels, and mitigating the unusual formation of blood clots. The unusual formation of blood clots or thrombosis is the prime cause of strokes and heart attacks.

Associations are now being made between the “French Paradox” and the effect of drinking green tea. The “French Paradox” is the unusual case of French people having lower incidence of heart diseases compared to Americans despite the heavy consumption of food rich in fat. The answer to the paradox was found in red wine, which has resveratrol, a polyphenol that inhibits the bad effects of smoking and a fat rich diet.

The green tea is a kind of tea made exclusively with Camelia sinensis leaves. The leaves went through little oxidation during the processing. Originally from China, the green tea has reached the whole of Asia from Japan to the Middle East. Lately, its popularity has spread through Europe and Northern America, where black tea is more popular.  A lot of varieties of green tea have been concocted in countries where it is grown. The difference in the varieties has been substantial due to the local ground condition, climate, leaf processing and harvest period.

Black, green, and oolong teas are all derived from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, why don’t the other Chinese teas have comparable health-giving attributes? What makes the green tea different is the processing it undergoes through. The EGCG in the green tea leaves are not oxidized because the leaves are simply steamed. Comparatively, the oolong leaves and the black tea leaves come from fermented leaves which convert the EGCG to other compound which are not as effective in preventing diseases.

The most expensive green tea in the world is manufactured by Royal Blue Tea Company. The most expensive green tea can only be purchased in a 750ml wine bottle. The most expensive green tea is called the King of Green Masa Super Premium. The most expensive green tea is produced using rare leaves that were specially selected from the Prefecture of Shizuoka. If you expect anything else in the most expensive green tea to be added but the premium green tea leaves, you’re in for a let down this tea of opulence has no other ingredient.

Only 36 bottles of the most expensive green tea are available. The most expensive green tea is shipped in a wooden box and can be bought for a very healthy price of $2,500.

This article was written by Alexis.

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